Tips As Felt Before making a decision To help you Prepay Your own Houses Financing Before carefully deciding to prepay their housing financing. End providing finance-strapped Thought money from assets Bear in mind the newest stage of your own loan Money need Prior to offered prepayment of housing financing, you should always have enough money to suit your economic needs for example marriage, travel overseas, etcetera. You will want to don’t let yourself be in a situation where you features overextended yourself to prepay your house mortgage and you may, consequently, are loans-strapped when you need to satisfy a monetary goal. Additionally, you also need to make sure you possess extra funds offered getting medical emergencies, otherwise unanticipated events including job losings. Income from expenditures The cost of prepayment should be weighed against the fresh output and this can be attained regarding opportunities. If you have the chance to earn returns that are large compared to the financial desire, it is best to invest the surplus financing in lieu of using the same so you’re able to prepay your property mortgage.