Its unfortunate that the Obama administration has made millionaires seem like evil rich people who were born rich

Its unfortunate that the Obama administration has made millionaires seem like evil rich people who were born rich A great post Mr. Cuban. Isn’t earning wealth part of the American Dream?! When millionaires are demonized and stop being heroes for young entrepreneurs to idolize we will become a different kind of nation. I see us taking steps in this direction and I DON’T like it! In an extremely competative-global ount importance for us to light fires under peoples asses to start businesses, invest capital, create jobs and earn wealth! From the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He was a chief architect of the Austrian school of economics aka our economic ideology we live by today…… Special interests have long used the democratic political process to produce legislation for their own private benefit, and the U The Confederate Constitutional Convention opened in February 1861. Robert Barnwell Rhett of South Carolina, called the Father of Secession for initiating his state’s breakoff from the union, thought that the U.S. model was the best. The other 50 delegates agreed. He nominated Howell Cobb, a Georgia attorney and former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, to preside over the meeting, which was completed by March […]

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