step 3. You may get even more for your currency To purchase a house need too much bucks. Besides a downpayment, additionally, you will you would like money to possess closing costs, and lenders need one to keeps cash reserves showing you might control your money. Be sure to consider an emergency money, money to own solutions and you may repairs and you can moving expenditures. When you have enough money spared about lender to cover the individuals will cost you, you’re in sound condition and certainly will probably be able to get an excellent house. Based on experts during the Fl Atlantic University, in a number of location parts – along with Nyc, Boston and you can Chicago – buying and you may setting up equity is an easier way to build much time-identity riches than just renting. Aside from the possibility of building guarantee – that is undoubtedly a beneficial basis to look at – you might also get more for the currency by buying rather away from renting.