Art Therapy Ideas for Substance Abuse Recovery and Behavioral Health TenEleven

Now come up with 5 adjectives that suit him and draw them. After that, come up with 5 more adjectives that do not fit, and draw them too. Those who suffer from addiction are often intelligent and creative individuals, capable of beautiful things when their energy is channeled in the right direction. Creative processing activates parts of the mind that may have been suppressed by substance abuse and/or physical or emotional trauma. List all of your relatives on a piece of paper. Draw a house and place your family inside it. The goal of such art therapy techniques is to diagnose family relationships. Substance Use Treatment Because it’s collage, it’s super accessible for most clients and there is a lot of versatility in terms of what kind of prompt and materials you provide. Some people believe that art therapy is the province of children, and that most adults would balk at the suggestion of making art in sessions. There’s no doubt children can do well in art therapy. You may have experienced isolation from your family that is difficult to discuss. These situations can be hard to put into words, but rather than talk it out and risk giving inaccurate […]

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What is Cap Rate? How to Calculate Cap Rate for Real Estate

You might also be trying to find a market-based capitalization rate using recent sales of comparable properties. In this case, a good cap rate is one that is derived from similar properties in the same location. For example, suppose you want to figure out what an office building is worth based on a market-derived cap rate. Calculate The Property’s Net Operating Income By keeping this building, they are losing the opportunity of investing $400,000 (by selling the building at its market cap rate definition value and investing the proceeds). Apply online today and make Rocket Mortgage your source for mortgages on investment properties. If you qualify with rental income to buy the property, most lenders may assume a vacancy rate of up to 25%. Alternative investments, now for the rest of us. Increasing access to programs and improving service are the main goals of the updated Equity Action Plan released by the Social Security Administration (SSA) today. The Social Security Administration and its Office of the Inspector General (OIG) are partnering once again to raise public awareness about Social Security imposter scams during their fifth annual “Slam the Scam” Day on March 7. To watch the testimony and read […]

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THE BEST 10 Accountants in HILLSBORO, OR Updated December 2023

Forensic accountants investigate financial crimes involving fraud, embezzlement and other issues. They often work closely with law enforcement and lawyers, and they can help determine the legality Bookkeeping Services in Hillsboro of financial activities, according to the BLS. Our pros have an average of 10 years’ experience handling even the most unique tax situations. We at Bob M Keller, CPA, practice a disciplined, integrated approach to corporate taxes. We understand the distinct tax concerns of corporations and partnerships. She reached out to Jones & Roth about creating a FlexPath that would allow her to continue to advance professionally while working reduced hours. Faith-based organizations need the expertise and guidance of a CPA firm that’s experienced in church accounting. Banking is one of the oldest and most essential services in the world. Michael Bergland, CPA Any individual with a preparer tax identification number (PTIN) is eligible to file your income taxes on your behalf. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean they will be the best candidate to provide the help you need with your income tax preparation. The IRS explains that CPAs, attorneys and enrolled agents are all allowed to legally represent their clients before the IRS. They have a more thorough understanding of tax code […]

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Alcohol Abuse Interventions Intervening & Staging an Intervention

If your provider suspects that you have a problem with alcohol, you may be referred to a mental health provider. Your provider may also be able to suggest an online self-guided program. Such e-health tools have been shown to help people overcome alcohol problems. Your health care provider can help you evaluate the pros and cons of each treatment setting. Conduct a Brief Intervention: Build Motivation and a Plan for Change Interventions help people with alcohol and drug addiction recognize their problem and encourage them to get treatment. It’s important to remember that an intervention is for the individual’s benefit and no one else’s; so no separate agendas should be pursued during the intervention process. This will give them an opportunity meet other peers in recovery, discuss real world situations with sponsors and continue on their journey to long-term sobriety. Keep in mind that your loved one may know they have a drinking problem, but is unwilling to come to terms with it. That said, there are four general stages of recovery, as compiled by addiction expert Steven M. Melemis, MD. Couples and family counseling incorporates spouses and other family members in the treatment process and can play an important role […]

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9 Accounting Tips for Small Businesses

It helps you better understand what types of expenses and income are impacting your bottom line (aka your net income), and will be needed at tax time. The specific amount of an emergency fund may depend on the size, scope, and operational costs of a given business. Regardless, work with your bookkeeper and accountant to ensure the amount of cash left in the bank is sufficient for unexpected costs. Finding the right level of cash to be kept on hand requires a proper cash flow forecast and cash monitoring. Businesses might not want to keep all cash in the bank, as having an excessive amount of cash in the bank could mean missed opportunities in investment income. Small Business Bookkeeping (2024 Guide) By setting up automated invoicing, bill payments, and payroll, you can save a lot of time. “This reduces manual entry errors and ensures timely transactions, which are crucial for cash flow management,” Schmied says. Running a small business comes with many responsibilities—and keeping accurate financial records is one of them. Bookkeeping might seem intimidating at first, but it’s essential for your business’s success. It helps you track your income and expenses, keep an eye on your financial health, […]

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Dezinflacja Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

W jakiej sytuacji rząd może zdecydować się na skorzystanie z tego narzędzia? Wyobraź sobie, że naturalny trend rocznej inflacji rzędu 5% z jakiegoś powodu zostanie zakłócony i nagle ceny przestaną rosnąć (inflacja 0%). Aby uniknąć deflacji, rząd może zwiększyć podaż pieniądza na rynku do takiego poziomu, żeby ceny wzrosły o 6%. Trend wtedy wyrówna się i sytuacja wróci do normy. Podobna sytuacja ostatnio miała miejsce na przełomie tysiącleci. Dopiero gdy dezinflacja doprowadzi do momentu, w którym ceny zaczną tak słabo wzrastać, że aż zatrzymają się na stałym poziomie, a potem zaczną spadać, będziemy mogli powiedzieć o deflacji. Organem, którego jednym z najważniejszych zadań jest utrzymywanie stabilnego poziomu cen, jest Narodowy Bank Polski. Realizuje on założenia i cele polityki pieniężnej stanowione przez Radę Polityki Pieniężnej. W myśl jej założeń w 2004 roku ustalony został poziom tzw. Ciągłego celu inflacyjnego w wysokości 2,5 proc., z dopuszczalnym maksymalnym odchyleniem o jeden punkt procentowy. Autor bloga nie ponosi żadnej odpowiedzialności za ewentualne decyzje inwestycyjne podejmowane na ich podstawie. Mamy dopiero styczeń, a już wydanie miliardów złotych zostało wstępnie zasygnalizowane i to są działania proinflacyjne – to jest moja istotna obawa o ten rok. Sytuacja, kiedy popyt na nowe akcje spółki znacząco przewyższa liczbę […]

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5 High-Paying Entry-Level Remote Jobs and How to Apply

There are interviews, guest experts, and lots of interaction with tutors and students. The Marketing Plan takes 17 hours to complete and is ideal for either people seeking to launch their own business, or to transition into a marketing role. It’s accredited and practical, with subtitles in four languages. Similar to Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics is a popular cloud suite helping businesses manage their customer relations. If you’ve never used Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics or any other CRM software, it’s very difficult to prove your suitability for an online customer service role. Each program is taught by industry leaders and experts, professors and teaching assistants, delivered virtually to cohort-based learning communities. More than half of the American workforce was working remotely as of April 2020, according to a survey by freelancing platform Upwork. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, about half of hiring managers hired remote talent. Correlation One is an education technology company building the workforce development platform of the future. Sunday Habits for a Better Work Week It’s ideal for both improving your skills and proving your employability through a certification. It’s the basic programming language that underpins almost everything in the world of computers. This C++ Essential Training starts with the basics and teaches […]

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How To Become A Help Desk Engineer In 2023: Step by Step Guide

Factors that can influence your salary in this role include experience, education level, industry, location, and company. An information engineer is responsible for monitoring the efficiency of computer systems and network infrastructure, performing configuration to boost the optimal performance of the technology systems. Information engineers assist end-users in resolving network issues, identifying the source of inconsistencies, and create resolution reports for reference to avoid reoccurrence. Help desk engineers and desk support technicians both require similar skills like “troubleshoot,” “help-desk support,” and “technical support” to carry out their responsibilities. A help desk engineer provides technical support to end-users, both remotely or in-person. They are responsible for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues related to hardware, software, and network systems. What Similar Roles Do For example, IBM offen IT Support Professional Certificate that you can use to gain vital IT skills and experience. Additionally, those who complete this certification course receive an IBM digital badge and access to exclusive job placement resources. An average information engineer eans a higher salary compared to the average salary of help desk engineers. The difference in salaries amounts to information engineers earning a $52,559 higher average salary than help desk engineers. A Desktop Support Specialist is focused […]

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Все способы легального вывода денег из России: детальный разбор со ссылками Хабр

Многие банки стран ЕАЭС/СНГ/Турции имеют прямые корреспондентские отношения с банками РФ — так что вы можете перечислить в их адрес рублевую сумму, сконвертировать ее в нужную валюту на зарубежном счете, и дальше уже отправить ее, куда вам захочется. Банк России разрешает гражданам РФ и дружественных стран переводить иностранную валюту из России на зарубежные банковские счета в объеме не более $1 млн (или его эквивалента по официальному курсу на дату поручения банку) в течение календарного месяца. Покидая РФ, вы можете провезти с собой наличную иностранную валюту в сумме, не превышающей эквивалент $10 тыс. (по официальному курсу ЦБ РФ на дату вывоза) на одного человека, а также наличные рубли в неограниченной сумме. Банк России разрешает гражданам РФ и дружественных стран переводить иностранную валюту из России за рубеж по системам денежных переводов в объеме не более $10 тыс. (или его эквивалента по официальному курсу на дату поручения) в течение календарного месяца. SWIFT-перевод в валюте на зарубежный счет При этом задача вывоза накопленных внутри страны денег часто оказывается непростой. В этом гайде я систематизировал все работающие на горизонтальные объемы для mt4 текущий момент способы, которыми поделились участники нашего сообщества RationalAnswer. И в зависимости от суммы денег, которую Вы хотите отправить, и куда, нам нужно будет проверить Ваш профиль, прежде чем Вы сможете совершить первый перевод или открыть баланс. […]

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